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Bo's Mine Tours
& Consulting Mine Tours and research for the Western North Carolina Spruce Pine Mining District Last Updated: July 9th, 2023 Email: bo_smith@bellsouth.net |
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![]() The Richmond Inn
My base of operations was The
Richmond Inn, a bed and breakfast located at 51
Pine Ave in Spruce Pine. The owner, Maggie Haskins, was a great host. She sent me off each morning with a great breakfast and had many suggestions on people I should meet to help in my research. She didn't even object when I spread out all the rocks I had collected on her patio. Maggie insisted that I meet Bud Phillips, owner of the Mitchell Lumber Company in Spruce Pine. She knew that Bud would be of significant help in my research of the mines. Maggie continues to be a friend. My wife and I stay with her at the Richmond Inn for a couple of weeks each year. |
![]() Bud Phillips
Bud Phillips was a large land
owner and forester who had numerous mines
on his properties. He took an interest in
me and was helpful in my research. I met with him as often as I could. Bud introduced me to important contacts such as Lud Liner, owner of "Rock Mine Tours" and Ed Silver, co-owner of the Sink Hole Mine,. In addition, he provided me with details about numerous mines such as his gold mine and the McBee Mica Mine. Bud passed away on March 1st, 2014. To learn more details about Bud's life check out my Obituary of Bud Phillips |
![]() Ed Silver
Bud Phillips made a call to Ed Silver, co-owner of the Sinkhole Mica Mine, that resulted in many years of cooperation with my research, access to the mine for Bo's Mine Tours, and my Native American Mica Mining Project. He not only was helpful in supporting Bo's Mine Tours but we also spent many hours talking about the Silver Family history in the vicinity of Bandana and the town of KONA from the late 18th Century to the present. Note KONA: Potassium Oxygen, Sodium |
![]() View of Black Mountains
and Mt Celo from our cabin porch deck
![]() Our cabin was a rebuild
from a mobile home.
![]() Me on the left with
Chris Wyatt
Chris helped me with cabin landscape maintenance as well as with Bo's Mine Tours |
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Don Wyatt lives on
Pine Avenue in Spruce Pine not far from the
Richmond Inn. Don is representative of the
typical mountain family; hardworking and
never retiring. In the picture on the left, Don is with Lud Leiner during a visit to the Goog Rock Mine. I was introduced to Lud by Bud Phillips. Lud has several mines on his property. The Martin Feldspar Mine features a beautiful trail along the bank of the Toe River. Lud established a mine tour business called Rock Mine Tours ad asked me to be one of his tour guides. |
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The Goog Rock Feldspar
Lud Leiner had a key to the Goog Rock Mine gate. We visited the mine in 2010. Don Wyatt went along. He had an uncle who had worked the mine. The mine was located on the Toe River adjacent to Lud's property. The trail to the mine was challenging. The trail was mostly along on a contour along the steep slope to the river. The last hundred yards or so was up the slope to the mine. You knew when you were close to the mine because there was a cool breeze coming from the mine. We spent some time collecting samples from the mine tailings. Lud and I basically stayed in one location on the tailings while Don moved easily around the steep slope bringing samples to us. The sample to the left features large garnet crystals in very high quality feldspar. |
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The Martin Feldspar Mine Updated
May 16th, 2023
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May 15th, 2023
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![]() The large section on the right contains samples from North Carolina mines. The section on the left in front of the miner has samples of zinc minerals from the Sterling Hill Mine in Ogdensburg, New Jersey |
![]() My granddaughter, Eliza, helped out by giving my miner a new paint job! |
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My daughter Lindsay and her family recently enjoyed a trip to my mine during a visit from California |
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Tour of the Bon Ami Feldspar Mine at Emerald Village . Pay your fees at the retail shop next to the mine cave. Fees; $8.00 adult. $7.00 seniors (60+), $6.00 students through high school, pre school (free)) The Bon Ami Mine is a typical feldspar mine of the 1920s-1940s. This tour features a brief description of Spruce Pine Pegmatite geology and the mining equipment and feldspar processing techniques of that period. You should plan for the self guided tour to last about 45 minutes to an hour. The Emerald Village complex is located a few miles from the North Carolina Mineral Museum. |
![]() This is a very nice specimen of the most common minerals found in the McKinney Mine tailings; green muscovite mica (upper left and lower right), smoky quartz (gray), and cream colored potash feldspar (microcline or orthoclase). |
You can collect from the tailings from the McKinney Feldspar Mine onsite at Emerald Village. The procedure is to check in at the main retail store down McKinney Mine Road from the Bon Ami Mine. You sign waiver of liability forms and pay the fees there. Fee Schedule: adults 13 and older-$20, children 12 and under- $10.00 I will provide tools and help you identify the minerals you find if I lead you during your collecting experience. You can rent tools from Emerald Village if you go on your own. You will need sturdy shoes and some 5gal strong buckets for the samples you collect. There is a collection of the minerals found in the McKinney Mine tailings in the Emerald Village office to help you know what to look for when you collect at the tailings. |
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Most tour groups elect to take a break for a rest, cool drink, and lunch after completing mineral collecting. If you decide to collect at Emerald Village, the place to go is the Little Switzerland Cafe just a few minutes from Emerald Village |
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For tour groups
which include young children who
have never been gem
"sluicing" and have selected
to do the Bon Ami Feldspar Mine
tour might want to consider having
the kids do some "gem mining" at
the Emerald
Village facility (bucket
prices vary from $15 up).
Emerald Village is an attractive,
well run facility. This takes about and hour or so. After the Emerald Village activities, you might want to move on to a shorter (about 1-2 hours) collecting experience either at the McKinney Feldspar Mine tailings onsite at Emerald Village or at the Sink Hole Mica Mine. I have found that elementary age children are very enthusiastic about collecting at "real mine" tailings but their attention span is such that they begin to wear out and get a bit "figity" after an hour or two. |
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bit of "marketing research" of the
local "tourist gem mines", I have determined the best place to get reliable high quality gem stones along with the demonstrated ability of cutting the stones by experienced professionals is the Rio Doce Gem Mine. Rio Doce has a broad choice of buckets available to suit the needs of each customer. The most popular choice of my recent customers is the $65 bucket which is large enough for two people to share and includes several fecetable gemstones and many other minerals suitable for cabechons. The $65 price includes faceting one gemstone or one cabochon. Additional faceted stones are $50 each and cabochons are $30. |
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In addition to some kind of appropriate containers (I recommend Lowes or Home Depot sturdy 5 gal buckets), you will need proper rock hammers to process the material. I recommend that each collector have a regular rock hammer (brick hammer) with a chisel end (shown in my left hand in the picture) ($30 at Homer Depot or Lowes and a 2 1/2 lb to 4 lb mason hammer with a chizel end (shown in my right hand). A 12 lb sledge hammer would be helpful to break up larger boulders. The picture demonstrates how to use these hammers to break rocks in a controlled manner. |
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A Good Place to Start Any Tour The North Carolina Mineral Museum At Rte 226 and the Blue Ridge Parkway |
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You can take a route to the Sinkhole Mine that includes a brief roadside stop along Rte. 226N with a view of the Quartz Corporation's Pine Mountain Mining Facility. Take Route 226 N from Rt 19E north towards Bakersville. Stop along the right side of the road and take a look at this operating feldspar mine, the largest in North America. After this stop, continue on towards Bakersville and take a left at Rte 223 (Mine Creek Road) at the Sink Hole Mine road sign. |
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The Sink Hole Mice Mine mine is located in the town of Bandana southeast of Bakersville in Mitchell County. mine is currently owned by Ed and Sam Silver. The Bandana area and the valley to its south, Kona, have been continuously occupied by the Silver family since the mid-1750s. My research into the geology of the area has resulted in getting to know many of the local folks so I have learned quite a bit about the history of the area. This cabin, built by one of sons of the area's first resident of European decent, George Silver Jr.was built between 1809 and 1816 can be found in the village of KONA. If you drive south on Rte 80S from Bandana, you will find KONA. Take the Old Kona Road down to the village to find this cabin. |
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During the years that I have devoted to the study of the geology and history of the Spruce Mining District, I became very interested in the history of North Carolina mica mining by Hopewell era Native Americans. I have published my research online at: Native American Sink Hole Mica Mining Website If you are interested in this subject, be sure to search for the ravine at the Sink Hole Mine, the site of Native American aboriginal mining 2000 years ago. I commissioned the oil and natural materials painting on the left which I donated to the Yancey County Visitor's Center in Burnsville. It is on display there in the visitor's center office. |
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Dellinger Grist Mill has been at it's Cane Creek
location (a few miles east of Bakersville) since
the mid 1800s. Four generations of the Dellinger
family have operated the mill. It is the only
iron wheel grist mill still in operation in
North Carolina. The mill is currently operated
by Jack Dellinger. Jack was born in the hills
near the mill, watched his daddy operate the
mill and learned the stories of his grandpa and
great grandpa's experiences with the mill which
he relates to those who visit the mill.
Jack is an amazing person who started in the
corn field,was educated in a one room
school house, eventually became an Electrical
Engineer and as one of an IBM team of
computer programmers was involved in designing
the computer program that controlled the Saturn
V Rocket for the Apollo 11 Lunar mission. Check
hours of operation at the Dellinger
Mill Website |
Located in Spruce Pine, NC.
Run by our friend Maggie Haskins. Nice period rooms.
Friendly atmosphere. Family style breakfast. (82)
765-6993 |
Spruce Pine Motel (no website) |
379 Oak Avenue (end of "upper street") downtown Spruce
Pine. Economy type motel, under new ownership, offers
clean inexpensive rooms. (828)-765-9344 |
Located in Burnsville, NC. Run by Laura and Mike Hoskins. Nice period atmosphere. |
Located on Blue Ridge
Parkway. Luxurious chalet atmosphere. Beautiful view. Excellent restaurant. Rates-moderate to expensive. |
Located on Blue Ridge
Parkway. Comfortable. Beautiful view. Reasonable rates. |
Located on Blue Ridge Parkway. Beautiful view.Rustic atmosphere. Optional breakfast served on the lodge's balcony. Reasonable rates. |
Vance Toe
River Lodge |
Located on Route 19E about 14 miles northeast of Spruce Pine in Plumb Tree, Avery County. The Vance Toe River Lodge offers inexpensive accommodations in the lodge and cabins, camping, and a Zipline attraction. |